5 easy habits to help keep your gums healthy


(NC) Are you concerned about seeing blood on your brush or in the sink when brushing your teeth? Bleeding gums are one of the earliest signs of gum disease that affects 65 per cent of Canadians. The good news is that you can help prevent and even reverse early stages of gum disease, if caught early.

Gum health is part of your overall wellness. If you notice symptoms like swollen, red or bleeding gums, receding gums, bad breath, pus coming from your gums, changes to the fit of your bite or dentures, or loose teeth, you may have gum disease.

Keeping your gums in check can help you avoid gum disease symptoms and you can do so by doing the following:

  1. Brush daily and add a specialized gum care toothpaste which provides long-lasting antibacterial activity.
  2. Also add an antiseptic mouthwash to help kill bacteria - rinse your mouth after brushing.
  3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients for your immune system.
  4. Visit your dentist two times per year.
  5. Avoid/manage stress - it can increase inflammation in your body and can also weaken your immune system. This can cause plaque bacteria to wreak havoc on your gums.

Don’t let bleeding gums go untreated – take action to help improve your gum health with an oral care product specially developed for you, like Colgate PerioGardSF, a daily toothpaste clinically proven for healthier gums. Pair this with a toothbrush specifically designed for gum care, such as the Colgate PerioGard. And don’t forget to see your dentist at least two times per year. Healthier gums mean a healthier you.