Opinion: Appeasement, not sabotage, best describes federal policies towards Alberta


There are a lot of problems with Mr. Morton’s selective recounting of history, as further set out below. But I agree with him that we are at a pivotal moment in Alberta’s history, and that it’s important to take stock of past policies in order to make informed decisions going forward.

When I take stock of the past two decades, I see an overarching policy of appeasement towards Alberta’s preferences with respect to resource development by consecutive federal governments, Liberal and Conservative. The result is that many of Alberta’s current difficulties are largely its own doing.

Let’s begin with federal environmental assessment — always a hot topic in Alberta. Readers may not know that under the original federal regime, passed by Brian Mulroney’s Progressive Conservative government in 1992, an assessment was triggered whenever the federal government issued a regulatory permit for a project, resulting in thousands of federal EAs being carried out annually. In response to pressure from Alberta (and others), however, federal regulators like the Department of Fisheries and Oceans quickly developed an approach called “scoping to trigger.” For example, rather than assessing an oilsands mine because it required a permit to destroy fish habitat, Fisheries and Oceans would pretend that the “project” was the destruction of habitat alone, drastically reducing the EA’s scope. This approach, which helps to explain why no in situ developments have ever been subjected to the federal regime, persisted until 2010, when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that it was unlawful. The then federal Conservative government reacted by overhauling the federal EA regime, focusing almost exclusively on major projects and reducing the number of EAs by over 90 per cent.

Speaking of fish habitat, sea coast and inland fisheries are — and have been since 1867 — matters of federal jurisdiction. Following a brief increase in resources and regional presence in the early 2000s, Fisheries and Oceans adopted what it called a “risk-based approach” to its regulatory mandate. Practically, this meant that numerous works and undertakings that used to require authorization, such as stream crossings, no longer did. Requests for authorizations fell by over 50 per cent. Where requests were made, they were never refused, notwithstanding substantial losses (e.g. thousands of hectares) of fish habitat. When First Nations began raising concerns about the cumulative effect of oilsands-related water withdrawals, Fisheries and Oceans again deferred, this time to the since-defunct Cumulative Effects Management Agency, stepping in with an interim management framework only once it became painfully clear that CEMA would not deliver. Finally, on this front, the federal government has never prosecuted a single oilsands company under the Fisheries Act for depositing deleterious substances into fish-bearing waters, notwithstanding strong evidence gathered by Environment Canada in 2014 that tailings ponds are leaching into groundwater that is hydrologically connected to the Lower Athabasca. Indeed, this latter fact has landed Canada in the crosshairs of the Commission for Environmental Co-operation, established in conjunction with the original NAFTA to ensure that member countries do not use lax enforcement of their environmental laws to entice investment.

My last example is with respect to climate policy. While Canada first signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the following 20 years were entirely bereft of any substantial policy at the federal level, especially in relation to the oil and gas sector. The primary policy here until recently was Alberta’s Specified Gas Emitters Regulation, which imposed an inadequate $15 per tonne price on emissions.

Considering these and many other examples, it is simply untenable to suggest that Ottawa has deliberately obstructed Alberta’s resource-related ambitions, and this includes with respect to interprovincial pipelines. Readers will recall that it was the federal Conservative government that in 2012 — midway through the review for Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline — changed the rules in an effort to make it easier to secure approval while at the same time refusing to engage in any national climate debate. It just turns out that this strategy, cooked up at least in part in Calgary backrooms, backfired spectacularly. Instead, pipeline reviews became proxy battles for climate policy — a legacy from which we have yet to recover. And while the federal Liberals passed Bill C-69 and brought in a national carbon price in an attempt to address this issue, they also bought the Trans Mountain pipeline at considerable political cost.

To be sure, it is not Ottawa’s fault that Alberta’s oil and gas sector’s emissions have recently stagnated and are still among the highest per barrel in a world increasingly and rather predictably concerned about climate change. It is not Ottawa’s fault that oilsands companies have accrued roughly 1.4 trillion litres of tailings with no proven technologies for remediation and reclamation. It is not Ottawa’s fault that the Orphan Well Association’s inventory of inactive wells has skyrocketed in the past five years and now requires federal and provincial assistance. And it is not Ottawa’s fault that Alberta’s Heritage Fund has little to show for it. Rather, all of these are the readily foreseeable consequences of Alberta’s preferences and policies, to which Ottawa has consistently deferred.

Mr. Morton concludes his column by observing that the political strategies of his generation of Albertans have not worked and that it’s time for Plan B. I suppose I agree with that too. The first step would be to take some responsibility for Alberta’s current state of affairs.